Friday, February 5, 2010

What Can Treat A Prolapsed Uterus Has Anyone Ever Had A Prolapsed Uterus?

Has anyone ever had a Prolapsed Uterus? - what can treat a prolapsed uterus

How is it treated, and it has an effect on sex?


jayarama... said...

Vaginal prolapse is a part of the vaginal canal protrude from the vaginal opening. Different types of vaginal prolapse
cystocele (bladder into the vagina)
Enterocele (small bowel into the vagina)
Rectocele (rectum into the vagina)
Ureterocele (urethra into the vagina)
Prolapse of the uterus (womb into the vagina)
Vagina (vaginal vault after hysterectomy)

Vaginal prolapse should be treated depending on the severity of symptoms. They can be treated.
"With conservative measures (modification of diet and fitness, Kegel exercises, etc.)
"With a weight of weakening support for the septum
"With the operation

It is best to avoid sex if they are not fully taken into account, because they can cause infections and other diseases. Sex can not be comfortable physically and mentally.

Please consult a gynecologist

tottie3 said...

bent and a little sex can sometimes be uncomfortable

oregonma... said...

This is not as prolapse of the uterus into the abdominal cavity, the quantities handled. It may need different sexual positions to get pregnant. So if you have a prolapsed uterus, a Pap smear may be more uncomfortable because of the location of the cervix. A further complication during the birth. The uterus has no effect on the sex.

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