Thursday, December 31, 2009

Discount Dance Clothes Please Answer Our Business Survey About A Fictional Clothing Store. We Are High School Students. Thank You!?

Please answer our business survey about a fictional clothing store. we are high school students. thank you!? - discount dance clothes

1. Would you prefer to save in a cute vintage store or a crowded?

2. Do you want to pay more for something of value for money, or less for something that is not worth paying for them?

3. Would not you buy the dress according to your taste and your figure?
Yes No

4. Would you rather visit a shop in an area rich ancestors, or in a danger zone?

5. Would not it be nice if we can get you a personal assistance and support what you need?
Yes No

6. What do you expect from a boutique clothing and accessories as "glamorous"?

7. Would you like to receive free samples of our new cosmetics?

8. Would you be able to prove what you buy?

9. If a business, to ensure discounts and rebates, but as a credit to?
Yes No

10. Would a clothing store where you can dance
Music shop in the same time?
Yes No

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